The link roundup after the massive Neuroscience meeting is always fun. Just ask Shaena Montanari, “How big is that meeting?”

Was at the bar tonight in DC and saw poster tubes... I’m not even a neuroscientist and I knew. #SfN17

With tens of thousands of posters, I find classics like this, from Steve Ramirez:

Always check your dimensions before printing.

I have written before about how people incorporated video into their poster demonstrations (QR codes, iPdas, etc.). But this is the first time I have seen anyone do a virtual reality (VR) demo at a poster:

Advice from Caitlin Vanderweele:

Convince your labmate to carry the poster tube.

Justin Kiggins noted:

Incredible how many posters at #SfN17 have "Preprint available at @biorxivpreprint" & a DOI/QR #asapbio

Coffee & Science asked:

Poster session didn’t go well?

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Everything old is new again. Fabric posters have been done since the 17th century:

The thesis of François Marescot, printed on silk, is on display at the British Musuem. Hat tip to Raychelle Burks.

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A couple of weeks back, I wrote a bit the relative accessibility of posters. I am pleased to be directed to this preprint on making scientific presentations of all sorts, inclduing posters, more accessible.

Hat tip to Simon Goring and Toby (itatiVCS).

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May Gun has been curating a list of unusual scientific graphics.

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I don’t think I’ve mentioned this conference guide by Errant Science from late last year before .

Hat tip to Helena and Prachee Avasthi.

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Today in type crimes:

Punctuation makes a difference. Hat tip to John Lopez and Mark Siddall.

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